Ensure CIPA Compliance in Google Workspace for Education with GAT Shield

Make your school CIPA-compliant in a flash. Protect your students online and support their mental health in the digital classroom.
CIPA Compliant in Google Workspace for Education

What is CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act)?

CIPA is a federal U.S. law requiring all K12 schools and libraries to protect students from harmful online content and practices. CIPA compliance is requested from educational institutions that want to apply for School and Library (E-Rate) program discounts on communication services.

If your school allows children to access the Internet, you must monitor their access to inappropriate content on all school computers.

This requires you to implement the following at your school:

Web filtering or blocking aimed to restrict access to obscene pictures, child pornography, or harmful to minors.
Monitoring the online activity of minors and their education about appropriate online behaviors.

Internet safety policy which covers restricting access to inappropriate, harmful, and illegal online content, student security and safety, and preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, and dissemination of student personal information.

Why CIPA Compliance Matters for Schools?

Schools that comply with CIPA regulations provide minors with a safe online experience, protect student data privacy, and reduce cybersecurity risks.
CIPA Compliant in Google Workspace for Education

Student Wellbeing Support

CIPA-compliant schools protect minors from inappropriate and harmful online content. CIPA requires blocking access to explicit pictures. For better student well-being and mental health, we recommend restricting also content related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco, hacking, gambling, malware, etc. Real-time online activity monitoring detects when students access improper content and allows you to help them.

Robust Data Loss Prevention

An efficient internet safety policy in school prevents unauthorized sharing and use of PII (personally identifiable information). Valuable school data, including minors’ birth dates, social security numbers, and parents’ data, is a common target of cybercriminals.

Trustworthy Education Environment.

Protecting the digital-nomad generation of students from inappropriate online content in the digital classroom is essential. It also builds the school’s confidence in parents, school partners, and the local community.

Easy Management

User-friendly solution, easy to manage for admins and teachers.

Safety Support

Efficient blacklisting and whitelisting of websites and keyword detection.

Support and Training

High level of services provided by the vendor.

Classroom Screen Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of students’ screens

Filtering Capabilities

Flexible and customizable filters to detect inappropriate online content.

Online Activity Reporting

Granular insights on each student and classroom online activity.
When searching for the most effective web filtering solution to support your school’ process of CIPA certification, look for these essential features:

How to Choose the Right Web Filtering Solution for School?

Ensure CIPA Compliance in Google Workspace for Education with GAT Shield

Equip yourself with a top-notch solution for web filtering to constantly ensure that your Google Workspace for Education domain is CIPA-compliant. Using GAT Shield, K12 admins can:

▪️ Monitor all users’ online activity in real time.
▪️ View the full URL of the pages visited by students.
▪️ Real-time customized web filtering and alerting for specific categories, URLs, or keywords.
▪️ Report live Chrome browser activity detailed insights for each user.
▪️ Search for specific keywords across the school domain.

GAT Shield. CIPA Compliant in Google Workspace for Education

How GAT Shield Supports
your CIPA Compliance
in Google Workspace for Education

The GAT Labs tool has a special section that helps achieve CIPA compliance in just a few clicks. GAT Shield implements CIPA compliance across the entire school domain or any selected group, organizational unit, or set of users.

When the functionality is activated, the following features are enabled:

  • ▪️ A special URL filtering called “CIPA-Compliant-Category”; all sites under this category are blocked
  • ▪️ Strict Safe Search for both words and images on Google
  • ▪️ Restricted YouTube access
  • ▪️ Blocked access to websites via IP addresses
Become CIPA Compliant in Google Workspace for Education with GAT+

Get our CIPA Compliance Checklist


How to Choose the Right Web Filtering Software for Your School

Learn More

How to Make School Chromebooks CIPA Compliant?

Learn More

Becoming CIPA Compliant with Google Workspace for Education

Learn More

Enhance Student Security and Safety with
GAT Suite for Education

Employ a globally trusted solution to become and keep CIPA compliant. Achieve this with automated, real-time monitoring of online activity and web filtering. Count on GAT Suite for Education to create a safe learning space and ensure your students’ security.

We have been selected as a winner in the Secondary Education category for the Award of Excellence:
Best of 2023 at the Tech & Learning Awards.