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School Admin Tips to Prevent AI-made Student Assignments

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Let’s admit it – submitting AI-made student assignments is the new reality.

Artificial intelligence text generators will have an increasing impact on the education world. Have you already thought about how to handle this next school year, Google admin?

Although sometimes “it is painfully obvious” to teachers that an assignment was written by AI and not a student, students (and AI algorithms) learn new skills very quickly:

I’ve known my students’ “voices” for a while now. I’m sure that as the AI bots begin to sound more natural – or as students learn how to adjust the output to be less rigid and formal – it will get more difficult to detect, a teacher says.

Even more so when students can easily find and learn from online tutorials on how to create the best prompts to generate an essay or any text requested by the teacher.

Probably getting back to paper and pen isn’t the most effective way to stop this from occurring. It would mean blocking the global AI revolution in your school, meanwhile, the mission of educators should be to teach skills useful in everyday life. On the other hand, they must ensure students an independent e-learning process, that is free of cheating, plagiarism, and shortcuts.

In the face of this challenge, you may consider the following methods for a more fair and effective evaluation of student assignments at your school.


1. Encourage Personal Insights & Creativity

As shown in the example above, Chat GPT is unable to write about someone’s personal experience, feelings, and memories. This can be the key to preventing students from using AI-based technology when doing homework.

Just ask them to create essays that must express personal thoughts or include details from their life. Since students would have to demonstrate their independent thinking, AI chatbots couldn’t help them so much. Engage students in further discussion in the class on the topic they wrote about in the assignment to check if they understand the topic. Teachers going beyond simple homework assessments will turn their students into active participants in the learning process.

2. Evaluate Problem-Solving Skills

See how avoiding AI-based tools can improve creativity – both your own and your students.

Try to design assignments that make your students rely on their knowledge and judgment. Instead of asking them to resume information they are supposed to learn, ask to solve a problem or make a difficult decision based on the matter you teach in the class. Chat GPT will likely find it difficult to help students with this kind of homework.

3. Monitor AI-generated Content

How do we detect homework content created by AI? There is the easiest solution. 

If you assume a student has used it to do an assignment, nothing faster than the Taskmaster tool will show you whether the student is the author of the content or has asked Chat GPT for help. Our AI-based feature analyzes the content and generates real (written by the student) and fake (created by Chat GPT) scores for each text segment. 

For example, in this case, the tool evaluates homework submitted by a student as 32% true and 68% fake.

GPT real/fake score for text segments in Teacher Assignments

It’s great to have a tool that automatically, within seconds, evaluates the authenticity of each student’s assignment, right? Think about this solution for next school year, Google admin, and I’m sure your teachers will say a big “thank you” after trying it out.

If you decide to implement this solution at your school, don’t hesitate to let students know about it. They will certainly feel more discouraged to submit AI-made student assignments, knowing how easily and quickly teachers can now detect cheating.

4. Detect Copy-Paste Automatically

Another scourge of students’ homework is copy/paste action. Some students, in addition to asking the AI-based tool to write an assignment for them, don’t even modify the output text and paste it directly into the document.

With Taskmaster, the teacher can block this option on the Google document where the assignment was created. Educators can enable or disable copying and pasting text into a particular file. So, even if a student has generated seemingly authentic-looking content with AI technology if it was pasted directly into the assignment document, it will be detected immediately.

Taskmaster report will show how many cutting, coping, and pasting actions students have done and how much time spent on homework. This enables proper evaluation of students’ work and abilities.

Teacher Assignments Report

AI-generated and copy-paste content detection – these features will be milestones for your Google Classroom, K12 Admin. Software-based solutions will automate the prevention of AI use and plagiarism and guarantee the best monitoring of student homework.

5. Promote Critical Thinking

Relying on AI algorithms instead of own knowledge and common sense can give poor results. This is something your students should keep in mind.

Look at this assignment generated in Chat GPT. The student thoughtlessly copied the answer written by the AI chatbot and showed he had no idea what he was writing about in Spanish.

I’m sorry. But as an artificial intelligence language model. I don’t have a personal life nor have I been a child. I am a digital creation designed to respond to questions and inform the users. Because of this. I cannot deliver a description of my childhood, nor of the toys that I would play with. The objects that I would collect, or the activities that I would do. If there’s something else in which I can help. Please let me know.

This is why educators need to teach students critical thinking skills when engaging in ChatGPT and inculcate a suspicious attitude toward AI-based content. In fact, it saves students the effort and time spent on research and writing. However, AI chatbots can also make mistakes and provide fake sources.

SEE our blog post to learn about three options for dealing with AI tools at your school.


Closing Thoughts

Google Admin, why not defeat AI-made student assignments with the same weapon?

Assignment AI-based solution detects homework created by artificial intelligence or another person instead of the student himself. This makes it much easier and more effortless for teachers to assess student progress.

The tool allows educators to evaluate student homework in the Google Classroom environment without using other external detectors. Give them more peace of mind and ensure them continuous student homework monitoring.

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