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Admin, Are you Monitoring these Cloud Security Risks?

Admin, are you Monitoring these Cloud Security Risks?

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Do you know which are the most significant cloud security risks and how to deal with them?

In a cloud-centric world of instant data sharing and collaboration, the safest place to store data is on one of the large cloud platform providers offering managed services.

Giant firms such as Google and Microsoft, though prime targets for attack, have much greater, more focused, and better-trained security teams than even most nation-states. Competing at the highest level with their technology and resources, they occupy the top of the data security rankings.

That means, the center of the cloud is strong, but the edge is weak. 

Let’s take a look at the most significant risks that you need to consider as an admin or Infosec officer.

4 Cloud Security Risks You Need to Be Aware of as a Google Admin


1. The end user

The user is the weakest link. 

Data security depends even more on the user in environments outside the office and the VPN, where the benefits of the cloud office are irreplaceable. That’s why hybrid and remote working need to be managed wisely.

SEE: Remote Working with Google Workspace

2. Secure third-party applications

They have access to your data in order to perform critical tasks. 

But always ask yourself — Who monitors the access rights they have? How do I see their background activity on my cloud platform?

You can use a tool like GAT+ to set up alerts for newly installed apps 
on  your domain to review them, or even ban third-party apps 
in Google Workspace.

3. Cloud-based identity verification

We’re all used to using Google and Facebook as our cloud identity providers, but Do you know which apps risk your identity? 

You can check how to manage the access to apps you share via Facebook and Google

Remember, a  stolen identity can be used on many other platforms and have damaging effects.

4. Browser security

It acts as the entrance door. browsers are designed very tightly but allow extensions that can damage our computer. 

This brings us to another question — Do you know what extensions are running on all your enterprise’s browsers? 

Read more about increasing Chrome browser security, which is a mandatory IT task these days.

Closing thoughts

To identify these cloud security risks and effectively manage them, monitoring is all-important. The price of not having any cloud security tools can be very high.

Understanding the risks, putting in place the right tools to measure and monitor, as well as report, track and trace them are all critical components of a successful and safe cloud office deployment. 

The move to the cloud is relentless, some old risks as human behavior are the same, but some new ones are on the scene too. 

The good news is that robust tools are now available to help mitigate them and increase security awareness. Learn more about GAT for Enterprise products here.

And don’t forget about auditing and securing your Google Workspace and other daily work platforms!

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