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Monika Hernandez

Communications Specialist, Writer & Visual Thinker

5 Sly Phishing Emails ‘Dashing Through your Inbox’ this Holiday Season

Tis the season to be jolly and weary of phishing emails 🔔 Every year, phishing soars and roars around the holiday season. After all, it’s the most wonderful time of gift-giving and celebration all the way.  Cybercriminals typically wait for this time of the year to tap the seasonal trend and prey on eager festive […]

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One Shared Drive for all vs One Shared Drive for each area

6 Google Cloud Print Alternatives for Google Workspace Admins

Looking for Google Cloud Print Alternatives? — Tune in then   On January 1st, 2021, Google deprecated its Cloud Print service after a decade after its introduction in 2010. Google Cloud Print allowed Chrome, Chrome OS, and Google Workspace users to print to a local computer from anywhere, in the cloud. This option of course

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5 HR Musts to Fuel Employee Retention in the Age of Hybrid and Remote Work

5 HR Musts to Retain Employee in the Age of Hybrid and Remote Work

How to retain your best employees and keep them motivated, remotely?   Employee retention has always been a persistent HR concern. With new companies coming to the scene every day and fancy opportunities swooping up Top market talent, you can’t stop your best employees from getting approached by recruiters on LinkedIn. However, you can increase

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5 Google Workspace Practices to Shake up Team Collaboration

5 Ways to Shake Up Google Workspace Team Collaboration

Take your Google Workspace team collaboration one step further Since the dawn of time, mankind has been constantly searching for better ways to communicate and collaborate.  It’s why the early man came up with things like cave paintings, then moved on to the use of papyrus and domesticated pigeons.  Thankfully, we’ve come a long way

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5 Employee Onboarding Mistakes to Strictly Avoid

Could your employee onboarding process be affecting your new hire retention rate?  You know what they say, “first impressions never have a second chance”— well, the same goes for an employee onboarding experience. From the moment an accepted candidate signs that ‘Job offer’, certain expectations start to develop and your onboarding process is the best

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