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Last Sync Users (Time & Date) from GAT Shield in GAT+

Which users are not reporting back data from the Shield extension? #

Sometimes you can have both GAT+ and GAT Shield products deployed within your Google Workspace domain yet some users may not appear within the GAT Shield console reporting areas.

That’s usually because the GAT Shield extension has been blocked or they’re not signing into their Chromebooks using their domain accounts.

The GAT Shield extension gets blocked when repeated attempts to send data back to the GAT Shield servers fail because there’s no active customer license in place.

To see this information you’ll need the following:

  • An Active customer license for GAT+
  • An Active customer license for GAT Shield

Find out which users did not sync into Shield #

Navigate the GAT+ → User → Shield

Result #

Filter on Shield last sync date 

  • The “date” value will show the Last sync of the user to Shield. 
  • The “null” value will show that the user has no recorded date synced to Shield 

This then can be exported and you’ll get a list of all users where the Shield extension was not synced or active on the user’s Chrome browser.

How does it work? #

When users sign into their Chromebooks or Chrome browsers, the Workspace Admin Console policies are enforced, in our case, the GAT Shield extension appears.

The GAT Shield extension sends data back to the GAT Shield console for admins to analyze, whereby the GAT Shield extension sends data back to the console every 10 minutes.

During each sync, the customer license is checked to see if it’s valid.

If Shield makes 5 attempts and they all fail because the customer’s license is out of date, the extension gets blocked from communicating with our servers indefinitely for that user on that device.

Another common scenario is when the user does not sign into their Chromebook or Chrome browser using their school’s account email but rather a personal one. In that case, the data cannot be sent since the extension is not present or deployed.

What you can do: #

If you realize some or all of your users’ GAT Shield extensions have gotten blocked. You can remove the GAT Shield extension using the Workspace Admin Console. Then you can deploy the GAT Shield extension again to the OUs you want to cover.

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