How to set up pre-approval access for GAT Flow?

Unlock is a feature within GAT+ that allows Google Workspace admins to take different actions across their domain.

The Unlock functionality is required for:

  • Viewing content of Files and Emails
  • Changing ownership of Google Drive Files
  • Copying Google Drive folders and moving them to another user
  • Adding or removing users from Drive and Shared Drive files
  • Setting up email delegation to user accounts
  • Using the GAT Flow functionality to:
      • Onboard users into the domain
      • Offboard users from the domain
      • Modify users in the domain

The Unlock functionality requires each of the actions above to be approved by the Security Officer. This is designed as a security feature.

Note: To have access to GAT Flow you must have  GAT Unlock configured, this product requires a paid subscription.

What is pre-approved access in GAT Flow? #

Preapproval in Unlock allows the action chosen for Flow, Drive, or Email to be done without the need of the Security Officer’s approval for every request.

i.e.: Allowing Unlock to be used without approval by the Security officer.

The setting up of Pre-approval must be set up and approved by Security Officer

How to set up GAT Flow pre-approval in GAT+? #

Navigate to GAT+ > Configuration > Security Officer > Access permissions 

In Access Permissions click on the + button <- Click here to create new preapproved access

A new window will be displayed fill in the details required:

  • Authorized user – select the user who you want to set pre-approved access to
  • Type Flow, Drive, Email
  • Scope – User, Group, Org.Unit
  • Valid until – set the time until pre-approved access will be granted
  • Flow types – select the type of workflow
    • Onboarding
    • Offboarding
    • Modify

Click on Save 

Flow setup #

Navigate to Flow > Preapproved access > Create preapproved access

A new window will be displayed fill in the details required:

  • User – select the user who you want to set pre-approved access to
  • Scope type – User, Group, Org.Unit
  • Scope – enter the user/group/org.unit
  • Valid to – set the time until pre-approved access will be granted
  • Flow types – select the type of workflow
    • Onboarding
    • Offboarding
    • Modify

Click on Save 

Result #

The Pre-approved access will be granted to the selected user.

The Pre-approved access must be approved by the Security Officer.

Approval in Flow #

Approval in GAT+ #

Create workflow result #

When pre-approval in Flow is enabled, the Admin will receive pop-up notifications every time they are about to send the request.

The pop-up will show them that pre-approval is enabled and security officer is not required

When the Admin “Create workflow”, they will receive a pop-up message as below.

Event and Recurring workflow result #

When Event or Recurring workflow is used:

  • The Event and Recurring workflow needs to be approved separately from the Pre-approval
  • The “pre-approval” option must be selected

Edit preapproval #

Edit existing pre-approved access.

Navigate to Flow > Preapproved access

  • Click on the “pen” icon to edit existing preapproved access.
  • Click on the (x) to delete the preapproved access.

Navigate to GAT+ > Configuration > Security Officer > Access permissions 

Find the Preapproved access > click on the “eye” icon and edit the Flow types 

Video of setting up pre-approval in Flow

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