Alert on Negative Login by Any Google Workspace User

Table of Contents

Get alerted a negative login is registered by GAT+ from any user of your Google domain

How to Set Up Alert Rules #

Open GAT+ navigate to Alert rules under the Configuration tab


Click on the sign and a new window will be displayed, fill in the details.

Set up a Name for the rule

Set the checkmark to Enabled

Set the Type to Users Logins

Choose the scope who will be affected by this alert rule

  • It can be a user, group, or org. unit

Pick and select the Alert Recipient, this can be a user or group email.

Select Notify on negative logins, every time user from the selected scope has tried to log in to your domain un-successfully, the alert will be triggered.

When the rule is created it can be found in the Alert rules under Configuration


It can be viewed (eye icon), edited (pen icon), or deleted from the (x button).

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