Actions Available when OffBoarding Users

Actions Available when OffBoarding Users #

Using GAT Flow allows the admin to use multiple Actions when offboarding a user. Those actions can all be added and used simultaneously alongside removing the user(s).

Below are the steps required for OffBoarding a user and a list of all the additional actions that can be taken.

Open GAT+ and select Flow

A new Flow tab will be opened on your browser.

Create Workflow Type #

From the menu on the left click on Create workflow.

Create workflow window will be displayed.

  • Name – enter a name for the workflow
  • Type – select the workflow type
    • Offboarding – Offboard users
    • IMPORTANT: This action cannot be undone, selected accounts will be deleted
      • All emails and files once removed can be restored within 20 days using the Google Workspace Admin console otherwise they will be gone forever
  • Next – click on the button to proceed

Search For A User #

In ‘Search for a user’ pick any of the option

  • Search for a user – select individual users
  • Search for a group – select a group of users
  • Search for an OU – select Org. Unit of users
  • Proceed to actions – click to proceed further

When the users are added click on Proceed to actions. 

Under Choose actions you will see a list of different actions that can be taken for the Offboarding workflow.

Fill in the details if additional steps are required

For Example:

  • Delete user from all groups
  • Delete User calendar events

List of Offboard actions #

The list of actions that can be taken while offboarding is as follows:

  • Email – actions for Google Email
    • Clear user email filters
    • Create email filter
    • Migrate emails
    • Move email delegation
    • Remove email delegation
    • Remove email forwarding
    • Send email
  • Calendar – actions for Google Calendar
    • Add user to calendars
    • Delete user calendar events
    • Remove user from calendars
    • Transfer calendar events
    • Unshare user calendar
    • Wipe user calendar
  • User – actions for users
    • Archive user
    • Change global directory visibility
    • Change user email
    • Change user organizational unit
    • Change user password
    • Clear recovery data
    • Clear user aliases
    • Clear user email Send as
    • Delete 2-step verification backup codes
    • Delete app-specific passwords
    • Delete user profile picture
    • Disable 2-Step Verification
    • Force sign out
    • Google application data transfer
    • Make YouTube videos unlisted
    • Migrate Google Keep
    • Remove suspended users from contacts
    • Remove user access to files and folders
    • Remove user from all calendars
    • Remove user from google sites
    • Remove user role
    • Revoke apps tokens
    • Set as super admin
    • Set email signature
    • Set user custom attribute
    • Suspend or unsuspend user
    • Unshare owned files
  • Group – actions for groups
    • Change group member subscription
    • Delete user from Google groups 
      • Delete from all groups
      • Delete from all groups with some exclusions (‘Don’t remove from’)
      • Delete only from specific groups
  • Classroom – actions for Google classrooms
    • Change Classrooms owner
    • Remove students from all Google Classrooms
    • Remove teachers from all Google Classrooms
  • Devices – actions for devices
    • Change chrome OS device status
    • Change google license assignment
    • Wipe mobile devices – Choose the action that will be done on user’s mobile devices:
      • Delete – Removes a mobile device.
      • Block – Blocks access to G Suite data (mail, calendar, and contacts) on the device. The user can still access their mail, calendar, and contacts from a desktop computer or mobile browser.
      • Remote wipe – Remotely wipes all data on the device. See the administration help center for more information.
      • Wipe account – Remotely wipes only G Suite data from the device. See the administration help center for more information.
    • Wipe devices
  • Vault – take actions for Gogle Vault
    • Create Google Vault export
    • Remove user from hold
    • Set Google Vault hold
  • Actions – actions for workflow
  • Chats – actions for Google Chat Spaces

When the actions are selected and filled in, click on Send approval request below the action list.

A pop-up warning message will be displayed.

The request will be sent to the Security officer for approval.

From the menu on the left click the Workflow tab to see details.

Result #

Workflow details

The status of the request can be

  • Requested – send to Security officer for approval
  • Approved – the Security Officer has approved the request
  • Job status – will show the status of the current workflow job
    • Scheduled – when is set to run
    • Done – when the workflow has been completed
    • Partially done – when completed partially
      • Eye icon – click on the eye icon to view more details
  • Eye icon – the purple icon on the right side will show all details for the Flow request
    • Save as action set – save the Workflow as an action set for easy later use
    • Edit – edit the workflow and apply changes

Workflow – view the state of the workflow and the details of the actual job that has happened.

The Result as the example above:

  • Delete user calendar events – if the users had calendar events set up – they will be deleted
  • Delete users from groups – if users were members of a Google group they will be deleted
  • Remove user – the last action will be the actual deletion of the account 

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