Add Delay For New And Existing Workflows in GAT Flow

GAT Flow allows Google Workspace admins to delay actions in the workflows for a specified period of time before reverting them. It is a user management tool part of the GAT+ set of admin tools that helps Admins perform multiple automated actions on the domain users.

Delay on workflows #

The Admins can add “delay workflow” before and after any of the Actions available.

This delay is used to separate the actions and when they are run.


  • Add email forwarding to selected delay few days then remove the forwarding

Below is how this can be done.

Create workflow #

Navigate to GAT+ > Flow > Create workflow 

Note: This delay can be used for Event and Recurring workflows too.

Fill in the details for the Workflow type

  • Name – enter a name for the workflow
  • Description (optional) – enter a description for the workflow
  • Type of workflow – Modify 
    • Offboard and Onboard can also be selected
  • Next – click to proceed and select the users

In the next step, Search for a user – search for the user (or users) you’d like to set the forwarding for.

  • Enter the users individually, by group, or as part of an org. unit, or import them directly via spreadsheet.
  • Proceed to actions – click to proceed and take actions on the chosen users

Next, In Choose actions – select the actions you want to take.

Click on the + button (2) to add actions.

A menu with all the options will be displayed. Search and pick the action called “Delay workflow“.

Delay workflow #

The delay workflow can be set for any time needed.

Note: Delay workflow – Delays workflow for the specified time. You should also expect a marginal time delay for processing after the delay action.

  • Count – enter the value you need
  • Unit – select any of the units available
    • Minutes – enter the minutes for the delay
    • Hours – enter the hours for the delay
    • Days – enter the days for the delay
    • Weeks – enter the weeks for the delay
    • Months – enter the months for the delay
    • Custom – select a specific time when the workflow to “resume”.

Pick any of the actions you need, in this case, Set email auto-forwarding

  1. Set email auto-forwarding
  2. Delay workflow 

3. Remove email forwarding – search and select this action

    • Remove auto-forwarding (4) – select to remove the forwarding

Send approval request #

When the actions are selected send a request for approval.

Note: If pre-approval is enabled no approval will be required.

Click on Send approval request 

Note: This workflow can be saved as an action set for use again at any time.

Result #

When the request is approved the workflow will run and email auto-forwarding will be set.

You can check the users in question under the Users tab and see if Email auto-forwarding is enabled.

After the “delay” time, the auto-forwarding will be automatically removed.

The first action to set up email auto-forwarding will take effect – as below. The delay workflow (3) will also be initiated.

In the Workflow, you can see the details

  • Job-status – Delayed
  • Delayed until – (showing the time) when the additional actions will take effect.

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