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Bulk remove Google profile photos

Overview  #

GAT+ allows Admins to remove Google profile photos of the domain users.

This can be done for individual users or users in bulk.

Find users  #

Navigate to GAT+  > Basic 

Apply a custom filter and find the users you need.

Export the users into Google spreadsheet or download as CSV

Remove photos #

In the exported sheet remove the PHOTO_URLs

When the URLs are removed close the spreadsheet (this will save the changes)

  • Click on the Import button to add the spreadsheet back with the changes.
  • Click on the checkmark to import the sheet back.
  • You will see the changes Before (URL)  and After (none)
  • View changes on the spreadsheet

Click on Accept to import the changes back to GAT and GSuite.

Result  #

The profile photos will be removed.

Note: Google API does not allow admins to add profile photos for users. Only removing profile photos is allowed

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