Browsing tags

GAT Shield is one of GAT Labs’ family of tools — It’s an audit, reporting, and security Chrome Extension for your Google Workspace environment.

GAT Shield helps admins protect their Google Workspace users by monitoring all activity and providing real-time DLP on ALL sites.

Shield reports all the browsing activity done by the users while in a Chrome browser session.

For easier and more focused filtering of the growing activity by the users, we can set up a Browsing tag.

Set up browsing tag #

Navigate to Shield > Configuration > Browsing Tags > Add a tag 

A new window will be displayed.

  • Site URL – enter the URL
  • Tags – enter the tag you want to assign to the URL
  • Active – enable or disable the tag
  • Save – click to save the rule

Use of the Browsing Tag #

When the Tag is assigned, the Admin can filter the Browsing activity by the Tag.

Navigate to Shield > Browsing > Data explorer > Apply filter 

  • Tags list element equal news

Result #

The result will display all the sites that are assigned the Tag = news.

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