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Exporting Large Audit Reports with GAT+

GAT+ empowers Google Workspace administrators with comprehensive auditing capabilities.

When exporting audit data, understanding the limitations and optimal approaches for large datasets is crucial.

File Format Considerations: #

  • Choose the Right Format: If your report is expected to exceed the 150,000 record limit of Google Spreadsheets, select CSV as your export format.
    • CSV (Recommended for Large Datasets): Technically unlimited in size. Ideal for reports exceeding 150,000 records.
  • Utilize Scheduled Reports: For very large reports that may encounter errors due to data volume, leverage the Scheduled Report feature. This allows the system to process and generate the report in the background, reducing the risk of timeouts or failures.
  • Access and Download: Once the scheduled report is complete, administrators can access and download the CSV file containing the full dataset.

Key Points: #

  • CSV is the preferred format for large datasets in GAT+.
  • Scheduled reports facilitate the export of very large reports.
  • This approach ensures administrators can access complete audit data, regardless of size.


How to export data as a Scheduled report #

  • Apply Filter: Start by filtering your data to ensure you’re only exporting the information you need. This helps avoid generating an overly large report.
  • Scheduled – set up the report a scheduled report
  • Occurrence: Choose “Once – Now” to generate the report immediately. Keep in mind that it might take some time to process.
  • Output Type: Select “CSV – Google Drive” to save the report in CSV format directly to your Google Drive.

Exporting Large Audit Reports

  • Apply and Run: Initiate the report generation process. This action schedules the report to run in the background.
  • Google Drive Output: Once the report is generated, it will be automatically saved in your Google Drive, as per the specified output type.

Exporting Large Audit Reports

By utilizing these guidelines, Google Workspace administrators can streamline the management and analysis of extensive audit data within GAT+, empowering them with deeper insights into their environment’s actions.

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