Remove Access to Files and Folders Shared With a User

Users Files Access Management #

GAT Flow allows the Admins of the domain to take multiple actions to manage files access.

This User management tool provides the Admins with options to Onboard, Offboard, and Modify all the users in the domain.

One of the options available is to Remove all files and folders shared with specific users in bulk.

The Admin can select a User and remove all the files to which this user has access: Viewer, Commenter, Editor, Manager, and Content Manager.

Take action in GAT Flow #

Navigate to Flow > Create workflow (1)

Fill in the details

  • Workflow type (2)
  • Select workflow name
    • Enter a description of the action to be taken (3)
  • Select Modify (4) or Offboarding

Take action in GAT flow


  • Select Conditional flow – to create a workflow using conditions. Check this post for more details
  • Run immediately after approval – set up a future time when the workflow is to run. Check this post for more details

Click on Next to proceed.

In Search for a user (1) select the user whose access to any shared files you want to remove.

  • Select the users (2) individually, as a group, or as an org. unit of users
  • Proceed to actions  (3) – click when users are selected

Search for a user and take action

In the new window called Choose actions (1), click on the + button (2), and a new pop-up window will be displayed.

In the search filter enter the word “remove” and the result of all actions associated with this word will be displayed.

Search and select Remove user access to files and folders (3)

  • Users > Remove user access to files and folders 

When selected it will be shown on the screen as below

Add scopes to remove access

Fill in the details:

Remove user access to files and folders:

This action will remove the user’s access to all folders (including shared drives) and files that were shared with the given scope

  • Scopes (4) – select all the scopes you want to remove
    • Viewer
    • Commenter
    • Editor
    • Manager
    • Content manager

When ready click on Send approval request (5).

Security officer approval #

An email will be sent for Security Officer approval.

security office approval

Pre-approval #

Note: Additionally, you can have pre-approval enabled where no approval would be required.

You can check this how-to post for more details.

Summary #

When the workflow is approved and complete, Admin can see the result in Flow > Workflow (1)

You can see the result of the action under the Job status (2) column.

Results of the action

When the shares are removed the User will have only access to their own files. All other access to any other file shared directly with them will be removed.

Everywhere where the user had access as below will be revoked.

  • Viewer
  • Commenter
  • Editor
  • Manager
  • Content manager

If the action had an Error or is Partially done it will also be shown by clicking the “eye” icon (3) on the right side.

You can re-run the workflow from the detailed workflow view when it is fixed.

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