How to find Google Group Generated by a Classroom

Introduction #

There are two types of Google Classroom email groups:
  • Teacher Group Email – contains only teachers
  • Course(Classroom) Group Email – containing both teachers and students
Both groups can be used ONLY for permissions to (example) share calendars or files. They CANNOT be used to send emails to users.


Select Classrooms #

For your Google Classroom management task:

Navigate to GAT+ → Classrooms → Click on the “eye” icon under Actions

GAT+ | How to find Google Classroom groups 1

View Classroom Groups #

This will show you a detailed view of the selected Classroom.

A pop-up window will be displayed, under General, you can see the Student and Teacher groups.

GAT+ | How to find Google Classroom groups 2

Note: Those groups can be only used for Permissions (sharing files or calendars), cannot be used to send Emails to users

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