GAT+ Google Calendar audit presents all Calendars existing on your domain.
- Calendars
- Calendar events
- Calendar resources
In Calendars, the admin can add and remove any additional owners to any existing calendar owned by users of your domain.
Thus allowing them to also add Writers, Readers, and Free/Busy readers to any calendar.
Calendar permissions #
Auditing different Google Calendar Resource
- “Free/Busy Reader only” – Read access to free/busy information.
- “Reader” – Read access to the calendar. Private events will appear to users with reader access, but event details will be hidden.
- “Writer” – Read and write access to the calendar. Private events will appear to users with write access, and event details will be visible.
- “Owner” – Ownership of the calendar. This role has all of the permissions of the writer’s role with the additional ability to see and manipulate ACLs.
They can be managed with Calendar permissions management allowing the admin to manipulate the users of the Calendar.
Permission change #
Note: Add and Remove additional owners is possible, but removing the original (primary) owner is not allowed.
Admin can add and remove:
- The additional owner (non-primary)
- Writers
- Readers
- Free/busy readers
Navigate to GAT+ > Calendars > Calendars
Select the Calendar needed > click on “pen icon” under Actions
Calendar Permissions Management window will be displayed.
Owners, Writers, Readers, Free/Busy readers – select any of the permissions lists.
Add user or domain > Add button > user/domain will be added under Users field > click on Save – to add the user/permission to the selected calendar.
Result #
An email notification will be sent.
The user who is added as an additional owner, writer, and reader will receive an email with a description that they have access to the given Calendar.
The calendar will be visible under the heading ‘My calendars’.
The newly added user will have access to Manage events and sharing settings for the Google Calendar.
All additional owners will have full control over the original owner’s calendar.
GAT+ allows also to delete the original owner from a non-primary calendar.
Note: If the Calendar is not a primary calendar, meaning it is not the default calendar of a user, the Admins can remove the previous owner entirely after they have added an additional owner.
Adding Writers or Readers to existing calendars owned by users on your domain #
When the user is added as writer or reader in the calendar permission, they will have access to those resources
The added users will receive an email notification that the calendar has been shared with them.
The Writer and Reader calendars will be displayed under My calendars.