GAT+ presents all Google Meet activities of your domain.
In GAT+ navigate to Meet audit from the left-hand menu
The Activity tab is the first tab open.
In it, we present all the Google Meet activities.
When the meet call has ended (the call is disconnected) then a record of this action is created and additional information presented.
The Activity tab will present weekly and monthly summary, Product types and devices used and Top 10 internal and external users
Weekly and Monthly summary to view the weekly stats for
- Total Meets
- Total Duration
- External meets
- Total internal users duration
- Internal meets
- Total external users duration
- Internal unique users
- External unique users
Weekly summary
Monthly summary
View the Product types and devices used by clicking on the field. The stats will be based on the Weekly or Monthly summary selected above.
View the Top 10 users by clicking on the name. The stats will be based on the Weekly or Monthly summary selected above.