Introduction #
When creating scheduled reports within the GAT Shield console you are provided with a few settings options which in the post will be explained.
- Occurrence
- Enabled
- Recipients
- Output type
- Output Path
Occurrence #
You can control how often a report is produced.
Enabled #
If this settings is enabled the scheduled report will be active and will appear in the Scheduled Reports area of the GAT Shield console sidemenu under Configuration. If this settings is left unchecked than the report will be saved but not active.
Recipients #
Enter email addresses who should receive this scheduled report.
Output type #
You can decide the format of the scheduled export whenever it runs.
Options are:
- Google Spreadsheet saved in Google Drive
- CSV format saved into Google Drive
- CSV format saved into GCP (Cloud storage)
Output Path #
If you leave this field empty, the export will be uploaded into a generic Google Drive folder path. If Output type is CSV – Google Cloud Storage option then an email containing a URL link will be sent.
If you would like, you can enter a custom path, the below example I have named the export “Stats-report” and placed it into a folder “Browsing Reports” on my Google Drive myDrive (the first recipient email address).
Conclusion #
When apply a filter in the auditing areas of GAT Shield console, you can always turn filters into automated scheduled reports by clicking on the Scheduled checkbox.
And then you can begin by customizing the settings options available.