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GAT Flow: Conditional Event Workflows for Google Workspace

GAT Flow is a user management tool for Google Workspace. It allows Google Admins to easily Onboard, Offboard, and Modify users using automation and bulk user management actions.

In GAT Flow actions can be set to run automatically based on different events, these are called ‘Conditional event workflows’.

In this post we’ll show you how to create this type of event workflows.

How to create Conditional Event Workflows? #

Open GAT+ and navigate to Flow.

Navigate to Event workflow > Add new workflow

When the “Add new workflow” button is selected, a new window will be displayed as shown below:

Enter the ‘Name’ of the workflow, select the ‘Type’, decide on an ‘Event’ on which the workflow will be triggered, and toggle the ‘Conditional flow’ switch.

In the above example below, the conditional workflow will execute when a user is suspended (as decided on above), unless John is the user’s manager.

If John is the user’s manager (True), the workflow will finish and no additional actions will be executed.

If not (False), Calendar events will be transferred, the user will be signed out, Mobile devices wiped, and app tokens revoked.

Note: As this is an Offboarding workflow, the user will be deleted regardless, which deletes the user at the ‘Finish’ .


Once you’ve selected all the actions for the workflow and configured each action, click ‘Send approval request’.

The request will then be sent to a Security Officer via email, and it will run only once they have approved.

Upon approval, it will execute every time a user is suspended, without further approval.


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