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Google Drive Audit Export Options

Google Drive Audit #

When you require to export the search results to a CSV or Google Spreadsheet there are several options:

Members flattened (without paths) #

  • Each file/folder is represented by one or more rows. Each row contains just one member, so the number of rows per file/folder depends on the number of its members.  This type of export will not display the file paths.

Original Folder path #

  • Each file/folder is represented by one or more rows. Each row contains a path for the FIRST owner and path for the user who linked the parent folder to their Drive

Owner only path #

  • Each file/folder is represented by just one row. Each row contains just one path for the CURRENT owner.
    • Sometimes a file can be created by one user but can be sitting in someone else’s folder. That is why it’s important to have this export option. For example, owns a document but the folder it is in is owned by

Paths flattened #

  • Each file/folder is represented by one or more rows. Each row contains just one path so the number of rows per file/folder depends on the number of its paths
    • In the flattened format, each path gets its own row, so you might see many rows related to one file. If you are interested in paths of one particular file I would suggest using the flattened format. You will get a report containing only paths related to this one file.

Split layer folder path #

  • Each file/folder is represented by just one row. Each row contains just one path split into separate columns (where the last one contains the rest of the path for longer ones) for the FIRST owner and additional information like which groups have access to the file.

Unique Paths #

  • Each file/folder is represented by just one row. Each row contains a path for a related file/folder in the Unique Paths column, separated by the sign:” / ”
      • The unique path format shows all paths related to a file in one row.
        • Example: My Drive / Folder_A / Subfolder_A / Documents / | My Drive / Folder X / Subfolder_X / Documents

Without Paths  #

  • Each file/folder is represented by just one row. Paths are not exported at all.
    • This option is provided in the situation when the file/folder path is not necessary to display.

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