In this how-to, we’ll be covering GAT Shield searches. we will show you how you can see all the searches happening on your organization’s Chrome devices and Chrome browsers.
You can see the short video tutorial below:
In GAT Shield Searches, you’ll be able to see all the searches happening across your Chrome devices on your Chrome browsers.
Here, you can see the query the user input and the search engine they used.
How long ago they did the search and who it was.
Selecting the ‘eye‘ icon will allow you to see the details of that search in the GAT Shield instance details.
You can get the shield UUID. This is a unique ID that can be used in the user device geo reporting section to find a device the search was performed on.
In this example, we’ll use a filter to see if any searches from our domain contained the words ‘Hubspot‘.
We’ll also name the filter ‘Hubspot query‘.
Now if we apply and save this filter, it will be applied and can be used again from the ‘save’ tab.
Using the alert rules configuration section, you can add a rule that can detect searches and report them should they violate the rule.
Here you can add a rule for searches.
In this example, we’re using a regular expression to detect if a user types “bad language words” from the list, into a search engine.
You can select the “Scope” where the rule is to be applied.
You can choose whether to only show a warning or also close their web page.
With the buttons on the top, you can report the site name take a screenshot, and/or a snapshot from their webcam at the time of the search.