GAT Flow allows a Google Workspace Admin or Delegated Auditor to set up an existing user’s details via a simple workflow.
You can set up set user’s Job title, cost center, department, and employee type at once when selecting the action: Change user employee information.
You can set the below details individually or at once in a single workflow:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Organization name
- Job title
- Cost center
- Department
- Employee type
- Employee ID
- Building ID
- Floor name
- Floor section
Step 1. #
First, to create a workflow, navigate to Flow > Create workflow.
Next, fill in the details:
- Name – enter a name for the workflow
- Type – select the type of workflow you want to use (Modify in this example)
- Next – click to proceed
Step 2. #
In the next step, search for a user. Select a single user or multiple users’ accounts where the actions will be applied.
Search and add the users via Search for a user, group, org. unit, or classroom or import them.
Once users are selected, click on Proceed to actions.
Step 3. #
Then, to choose actions, click on the (+) button and search for the action.
Next, you will see all the options available, search and select the below action:
Select the information that needs to be added/modified into the relevant field and type the relevant employee information. Each field can be selected/deselect as needed.
After filling the details in, click on the Send approval request.
Step 4. #
Last, after sending, the Security Officer has to approve the request. They will receive an email that will lead them to the approval page.
Note: If the pre-approval option is enabled, an email is not being sent to Security Officer. The workflow creator can confirm the preapproval option to run the workflow right away.
Result #
As a result of the workflow, the updated information is applied to the users’ accounts.
The results will be displayed, and each information will be shown: