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GAT Flow Product Overview

What is GAT Flow? #

GAT Flow is a Google Workspace user management tool from GAT+.

It’s used by Google Workspace Admins to take single or bulk actions to Onboard (create), Offboard (delete), or Modify (update) user accounts in Google Workspace.

GAT Flow presents different types of Workflow that contain action sets.

By default, GAT Flow can only be used by Super Admins of the domain.

Alternatively, an Admin can give non-admin users access to the Flow application.

**Prerequisite: GAT Flow requires GAT+ to be installed on the domain, and a Security Officer in GAT Unlock to be configured.

**Availability: GAT Flow is not available during the Trial period.

GAT Flow is part of the Admin and Secure plans for Enterprise, and the Manage and Vigilant plans for Education. Alternatively, you can contact us if you have a test domain.

**Security Officer: GAT Flow workflows and actions must be approved by a Security Officer, see policy process to add Security Officers.

Non-Google Admin Users #

GAT Flow can be delegated to non-admin users. That way you can allow non-admin users who deal with onboarding or offboarding users to have access to GAT Flow.

For example, HR staff can have different workflows preconfigured so they can onboard and offboard staff easily from different departments without having to call IT every time there’s a staff movement.

(See our resource Delegate Access to a Non-Google Admin for more information)

How does GAT FLOW work? #

Using Google APIs (Application Programming Interface), GAT Flow allows Admins to manage and apply changes to their Google Workspace domain users.

A Google Workspace Admin can use GAT Flow to perform one or multiple actions for one or multiple users of their domain.

GAT FLOW Action Sets #

An Action Set allows Google Workspace Administrators to set up and prepare a set of actions for Onboarding, Offboarding, and Modifying users. 

Each of these Action sets can be easily used when a workflow is created. 

When a new workflow is created, the prepared action set can be used right away, instead of manually selecting each action — This allows the Action set to be used for creating a more streamlined Workflow.

Action sets” can be created for each workflow type: Onboarding, Offboarding, and Modify.

For each workflow type, different sets of actions can also be combined.

For example, when a new user joins your Google workplace domain an initial action set can be created for the basic action of setting up a user. This action set can:

  • Set up the account
  • Set password and 2FA conditions
  • Send a welcome email
  • Copy standard documents (such as the company handbook or holiday request forms) into the new staff member’s folders, etc.

This type of action set is common to all new staff.

A second Action set can be created for Adding a user to their department’s account.

For example, an action set will include onboarding new members to their team’s account.

With the onboarding action, you can add multiple other actions such as:

  • Adding this new user to the account’s email group
  • Setting up their email signature
  • Transferring Calendar events
  • Sending a welcome email
  • Giving them access to folders or Shared Drive
  • Copying user contacts
  • Set up their Org. unit 

A third Action set can be created for Modifying existing users.

For example, an action set will include Modifying existing users of the Sales team. With the Modify actions, you can edit and perform multiple changes on multiple users.

  • Setting up and adjusting the email signature of your entire Sales team
  • Migrating emails from one user to another
  • Adding/Transferring/Deleting users’ Calendar events
  • Suspending users
  • Clearing recovery data
  • Changing global directory visibility 

Each of these “Action Sets” can be used and combined multiple times for each Workflow an Admin may need.

GAT FLOW Workflows #

A Workflow is a set of different actions an Admin can combine together.

A Workflow is a combination of:

  • Choosing Workflow type – Onboarding, Offboarding, and Modify
  • Search for a user – Selecting the users who will be affected 
  • Choose actions – Setting all the actions that can be performed on the workflow.

Different action sets can be combined. Some can be common to all users, others will be specific to users in different departments.

An Admin can create multiple workflows for each task type, for each user or bulk user, and select one or multiple actions to be performed, and different combinations of those actions.

Types of workflows #

A workflow can contain one or more actions or ‘Action sets’.

GAT Flow supports 3 different Workflow types:

  • Onboarding
  • Offboarding
  • Modifying

Onboarding  #

The Onboarding workflow allows Admins to create user accounts for the domain (creating Email and User accounts for the users). These user accounts can be directly added to the domain using the UI or imported via a Google spreadsheet.

It also allows additional actions to be taken — see Actions available when Onboarding users.

Action Options available when creating user accounts (can take place simultaneously):

Offboarding #

The offboarding workflow allows Google Workspace Administrators to delete any user account and remove it directly from the domain.

It also allows additional action to be taken — see Actions Available when Offboarding Users.

Action options available when Offboarding (deleting) user accounts (can take place simultaneously):

Modify  #

The Modify workflow allows Google Workspace Administrators to update user accounts for their domain. Users’ accounts will be directly updated using the UI, or imported via a Google spreadsheet.

It also allows additional action to be taken — see Overall actions available for Modifying 

Action options available when Modifying (updating) user accounts (can take place simultaneously):

Automated workflows in GAT FLOW #

GAT Flow offers two ways to run Automatic workflows:

I. Event Workflows #

An automatic workflow that can be triggered by an event, such as when a new user is added to a Group or Organization Unit (OU).

These events will trigger the pre-selected workflow. 

Note: Event workflows can be set only for Modify and Offboarding 

See Workflow Triggered by an Event for Users for more information.

II. Recurring Workflows #

An automatic workflow that is automatically triggered based on Time (the Recurring time is selected and when it arrives, the workflow is automatically triggered).

Note: Recurring workflow can be set only for Modify and Offboarding

Example: Recurring Workflows

Workflow templates #

Workflow templates are prepared examples of typical actions taken for Onboarding, Offboarding, or Modifying workflows. The Admins can use them for their workflow and just adjust the users needed.

Use-case example

Users module #

The user’s module shows all the Users of the domain. The Admins can search for any user and update any data about the users. The User can be deleted or updated.

The update actions for example are changing the General data for the user, updating passwords, groups, contacts, and email data (such as aliases, delegations, auto-forwarding, auto-reply, email signature, custom attributes, and so on.

Use-case example

Organizational units #

The organization units audit allows the Admins to view all the Org. Units of the domain. The Admin can also create an org. unit and add members to it.

Use-case example

Groups #

Groups audit in Flow allows the Admins to view and audit all the groups of the domain. The Admins can create, update or delete groups as well as change their details and group settings.

Use-case example

Classrooms #

The Classroom audit in Flow allows the Admins to create new classrooms and add students and teachers to them. They can also update existing ones or delete classrooms.

Use-case example

Custom attributes  #

The custom attributes enable the Admin to view, update, delete, and create new custom attributes.

Use-case example

Delegate flow #

This feature allows the Admins to create edit or delete Flow delegate. Flow delegate is a non-admin user who can log in and use Flow. 

By default, Flow is a tool only for Super Admins however Delegate Flow – allows the Admin to add non-admin users and enable them to use Flow 

An example use-case for this feature is an HR person who deals with onboarding, offboarding or modifying users of the domain.

Use-case example

Preapproved access #

Preapproved access is a feature that allows the Admins to take actions without needing Security officer approval over and over again. The admins can take simple requests without needing approval over every request they sent.

Settings #

The settings option allows the Admin to enable some settings, such as to enable or disable Send approval reminders, enable workflow auto-saves, and workflow auto alignment by default 

Get Started with GAT FLOW: 5 Cool Things to Try First #

  1. Onboard user
  2. Offboard user
  3. Modify user
  4. Recurring workflow
  5. Event Workflow

5 Most Useful Things you can Achieve with GAT Flow #

  1. Set up email signatures for users in bulk
  2. Set up email delegation on bulk users
  3. Delegate Flow access to Non-Admin user
  4. Bulk add users to the calendar
  5. Change Google Licence assignment

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